Impulsamos la difusión de la producción intelectual nacional y facilitamos los procesos de transferencia internacional del conocimiento mediante proyectos estratégicos con enfoque en publicaciones dirigidas en el desarrollo de las ciencias de la información, bibliotecología y archivística, áreas técnicas y profesionales, temas de interés general y multimedia.
Foundations of Information Law
Learning the basic concepts of information law and the many legal concepts that come into play in the field of librarianship can seem like an overwhelming endeavor. Drawing upon the authors’ unique backgrounds in both law and librarianship, this text is designed to empower readers to understand, rather than be intimidated by, the law.
Metadata for Digital Collections, Second Edition
Since it was first published, LIS students and professionals everywhere have relied on Miller’s authoritative manual for clear instruction on the real-world practice of metadata design and creation.
Open Access Literature in Libraries: Principles and Practices
Open Access has evolved into the most complex challenge of the scholarly publishing landscape and something libraries grapple with on a regular basis.
Linked Data for the Perplexed Librarian (An ALCTS Monograph)
Linked data has become a punchline in certain circles of the GLAM (galleries, libraries, archives, and museums) community, derided as a much-hyped project that will ultimately never come to fruition. But the fact is, linked data is already happening now, evident in projects from Big Tech and the Wikimedia Foundation as well as the web pages of library service platforms.
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Rojas Eberhard Ediciones
Sello editorial perteneciente a INFOLINK COLOMBIA enfocado en aquellas publicaciones referentes al conocimiento y actualización de ciencias de la información y bibliotecología.